Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Nearest exhibitions postponed until the autumn

Nearest exhibitions postponed until the autumn

Partners and colleagues, we would like to inform you that the dates of the nearest exhibitions have changed because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading. Mining World 2020 and Minex Kazakhstan 2020 have been moved to autumn. MINEX Kazakhstan 2020 Forum and Exhibition has been rescheduled for November 10-12. The Mining World 2020 exhibition will be moved to October-November; more specific dates will be announced additionally during this week.

A state of emergency has now been declared in Kazakhstan. The work of large trade objects, and also entry into the country and abroad, has been restricted. Quarantine will be introduced in the country, protection of public order and especially important state and strategic objects will be strengthened.

In Russia, measures are currently being taken to prevent the spread of the disease in a number of regions. In connection with the decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated 12.03.2020 No. 108-PG “On the introduction in the Moscow region of a high-readiness regime for the governing bodies and forces of the Moscow Regional Emergency Prevention and Response System and some measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection (2019-nCov) on the territory of the Moscow Region”. The organizers of Mining World 2020 took it into account and moved the event to autumn.

EnProTech Ltd. supports the decision of the organizers and will participate in the exhibitions in autumn. We will be glad to provide support and assistance in organizing the visit!

Published: 2020-03-16

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