Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Happy Geologist’s Day!

Happy Geologist’s Day!

Friends, we want to congratulate all our Сolleagues in the industry on Geologist’s Day. This professional holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday of April. This day is important for everyone who works in such a difficult industry as mining.

The main objects of geology research are rocks. We are directly involved in the search and extraction of minerals so we consider Geologist’s Day to be our professional holiday.

The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. In this period specialists start planning summer expeditions and field works. Snow falls, frosts recede, so the assessment of soil conditions becomes much easier.

Colleagues! It is important to remember that we are all responsible for the mineral resource base of the state and are its support. We want to pay tribute to those who in difficult conditions, risking their lives, are searching for and extracting resources necessary for the country.

We wish you unique finds, great discoveries, a treasure trove of minerals, unquenchable interest in your activities and great benefit from your work!

Published: 2020-04-03

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