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Happy Power Engineers Day!

Happy Power Engineers Day!

The modern world is hard to imagine without energy resources. Light, heat and even water in homes are the merit of power engineers. In Russia, this day is celebrated on December 22. The energy industry is now one of the main sectors of our country’s economy.

The professional holiday of energy industry workers is over half a century old, it was established in 1966. The date of December 22 was chosen because it was the day in 1920 when the State Plan of Electrification of Russia (GOELRO Plan) was adopted.

Such seemingly simple things: electricity, heating, hot water, telephone, television, the Internet – we use them every day and cannot imagine life without them. And we rarely think about how hard they are sometimes given, because the work of power engineering specialists is twenty-four-hour a day! I wish you strength, patience and success in your difficult service. Let it brings not only moral but also financial satisfaction. Happy Power Engineer Day!

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