Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Increase our online presence! We stay home – we stay together!

Increase our online presence! We stay home – we stay together!

Dear Colleagues and Partners, the current situation dictates conditions in that we will probably not be able to see many people in person any time soon. It is great disappointment for us, but now the most important thing is to observe the norms and requirements of the epidemic.

In the beginning of April MINEX Kazakhstan forum was to be held. This exhibition unfortunately was postponed until autumn. At the same time the organizers do not forget that their venue is a place where professionals communicate. We received an offer from the organizers of the exhibition to take part in the Geologist’s Day, that was gladly used.

Colleagues and Partners, we will increase our presence in the network. We will start with small now we offer you to subscribe to our social networks. We have already launched YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. Follow the updates and be healthy!

Published: 2020-04-09

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