Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Nomination “Exporter of the Year”

Nomination “Exporter of the Year”

The year 2021 was rich for us in awards and nominations! Russian Export Center and the Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovations and Trade of St.Petersburg held the All-Russian competition in the field of international cooperation and export – “Exporter of the Year”.

The All-Russian competition “Exporter of the Year” is held among large companies, small and medium sized business, most successful in export of non-energy goods, works and services as well as results of intellectual activities. Selection of the most active participants of export activity in Russia consists of several stages.  

We are a distributor of the global brands, efficiently and regularly deliver imported equipment not only to Russia, but all over the world – deliveries to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Serbia and Armenia were carried out for the last year.

Based on 2021 year activities, EnProTech Ltd. has become a nominee of the award.

One more step to future victories and new purposes!


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