Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Our team is our treasure!

Our team is our treasure!

There is a complicated epidemiological situation in St. Petersburg. It is caused by a new coronavirus infection (2019-nCov). “EnProTech” Ltd responsibly approaches measures to ensure the safety of the team, taking into account the preventive recommendations of the relevant government agencies and supervisory structures. Last week we started implementing measures aimed at revealing signs of an infectious disease at colleagues, and at prevention of infection spread. Daily disinfection is carried out in the office. All business trips are limited.

As the epidemiological situation worsens, a scheme has been developed that will allow us to work from home without the threat of infection. From Monday, March 23rd, we will switch to remote work mode, which will last until April 5th inclusive. The period may be extended, depending on the situation with the spread of the virus.

In making this decision, we first want to protect our team from potential danger. We appreciate every member of our team and always focus on social responsibility.

Colleagues and partners, we would like to inform you that all obligations and agreements will be implemented as usual. Our team is always in touch with you, despite external factors.

Published: 2020-03-20

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