Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Round Table at Nornickel

Round Table at Nornickel

From 18 to 20 May the round table on enrichment of ores of the Norilsk Nickel State Concern was held on the basis of “Gipronickel Institute” in St.Petersburg. “Norilsk Nickel” is one of the largest Russian mining and metallurgical companies, the leading producer of nickel and palladium, as well as owner of the largest nickel ore reserves. “Nornickel” also produces platinum, copper, silver, gold, cobalt and other non-ferrous metals.

Participants of the event were specialists of industrial sites, research and design centers and “Nornickel” departments. In current and challenging for the industry realities, it’s very important to have an optimal solution on qualitative import substitution and reliable partners for import equipment supply. Our close cooperation lasts since its establishment, and we are happy to be as experts of the industry at private events – and this time EnProTech participated as a guest speaker.

During the round table we introduced a new line of our own brand EnProTech with a manufacturing base in Germany, also we told about other opportunities for our customers. EnProTech is successfully engaged in complex deliveries of equipment for mining industry since 2015, having exclusive distribution agreements with OREAS, MORGAN and JKTech. 

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