Annually, the Steel Worker Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July, in 2019 this holiday is celebrated on July 21. EnProTech Ltd traditionally congratulates all those people who are involved in celebrating this holiday. Such congratulation is always pleasant and is no relevant.
TThe Steel Worker is a very important and critical profession that includes the set of skills and functions in one person. Steel worker is the essential profession and its representatives play a great role in the development of our country.
Our company sends the heartiest congratulates to all workers of the metallurgical industry on the day of the steel worker. You are proud of our country and support for your family. Only strong and stout hearted people are able to master such an important and responsible profession. We wish you to be strong and healthy and well-being, happiness and prosperity, success and mutual understanding, success in implementing the most challenging ideas and plans, so that the most important thing is that the harmony and coziness reign in your family. You are our strength and might!
Steel Worker Day!