Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Successful Supplier Award 2021

Successful Supplier Award 2021

The year 2020 was a hard enough year for many. The test of the pandemic came suddenly and hit the global economy hard enough. At the same time, it was important to react in time and reconstruct work under the new realities. Our team has coped with this goal. We were able to respond to the challenges of the time and perform all tasks.

One of our traditional goals was the B2B-Center “Successful vendor 2021” award. We have won this award before, and this year was no exception. EnProTech Ltd has been a reliable supplier and a guarantor of stable operations of mining companies.

We would like to emphasize that the “Successful Supplier 2021” award recognizes the company’s high level of reliability. This was made possible by the contribution of each member of our team. We are in the top 1000 best suppliers on the B2B-Center (one of the largest bidding portals). This title confirms that we do our work of high quality, and cooperation with EnProTech Ltd is the way to success.

“Every year we conduct a survey to impartially assess the work of suppliers: now there are over 500 thousand of them registered on the site. With the help of simple, clear and objective criteria the site forms the list of the most successful bidders. As a result, both large companies and small businesses get into the TOP 1000. We are happy that the professional competence of suppliers in electronic bidding is constantly growing. From our side we actively support them in this aspiration and help to work more effectively”, – noted Andrey Boyko, commercial director of B2B-Center.

“Winning in “Successful 2021 Supplier” nomination is another important step to our success, and we have reached it due to our hard work. We can confidently say that our work this year will be even better and of higher quality.

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