We inform you that an update has occurred in the Oreas CRM’s line. The manufacturer has released a lot of new materials and replacements. We are ready to provide you with any of the new products released. Let’s consider the changes in more detail.
Five Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo CRMs
Two replacement CRMs (OREAS 503d and 504c) are sourced from the Cadia Valley Mine, Australia and three new CRMs are sourced from the Northparkes Mine, Australia.
Certified Values for Cu, Au and Mo:

High silver Epithermal Au-Ag- Cu CRM series
Certified Au, Cu and Ag values for high silver Epithermal CRMs:

Four pegmatite Li ore and concentrate CRMs
Certified values for Li2O are shown below.

Two replacement Blank CRMs and new Basalt SuperCRM®

Five new metasediment-hosted Au ore CRMs
Orogenic (siliciclastic) metasediment gold ores sourced from the Fosterville Mine, Australia. Certified Au values:

Six new epithermal Au-Cu-Ag ore CRMs
High gold, epithermal Au-Ag-Cu ore sourced from Evolution Mining’s Mt Carlton Mine, Australia. Preliminary values for Au, Cu and Ag:

Three new Carlin style Au ore CRMs
Primary gold ores sourced from Newmont’s Leeville Mine, Nevada (USA). Certified values are shown below.

Zn-Pb-Au-Ag mine tailings CRM
Sourced from MMG’s Rosebery Mine, Australia. Certified values shown below.

Upcoming OREAS products for 2020
New Cu-Au (Mo) concentrate CRM (available Q1 2020)
Sourced from Newcrest Mining’s Cadia Mine, Australia. Preliminary values shown below.

Seven new Witwatersrand Au CRMs (available late 2019 / early 2020)
Primary gold ores sourced from Anglo Gold Ashanti, South Africa. Target Au grades:

High grade oxide and sulphide-bearing Au ore CRMs (available February 2020)
These ores are sourced from three different mine deposits in Australia. Target Au grades are shown below.

Other upcoming OREAS products
- Copper +Ag+Au concentrates OREAS 994, 990b & 992b (replacing OREAS 99b, 990 and 992);
- Lead and Zinc concentrates OREAS 353 & 354 (replacing OREAS 352 and 351);
- Gold oxide ores OREAS 250b, 252b, 253b, 255b, 256b & 258 (replacing OREAS 250, 252, 253, 255 & 256 and new CRM OREAS 258 ~11ppm Au);
- Lithium pegmatite ore OREAS 750 from the Bynoe Field, Australia (replaces OREAS 147);
- Greenstone-hosted Orogenic Au ores (replacing OREAS 217, 221, 222 & 226);
- New Sediment-hosted Copper-Cobalt primary and oxide ores (OREAS 550-556) from the Democratic Republic of Congo;
- New Ferruginous Manganese ores (OREAS 173-175) from the Postmasburg field, South Africa;
- New Magmatic Nickel-Copper-Cobalt ores from Western Australia.